Good morning! Spring is here!!!
We’ve had a great start to 2024 so far but there are even more exciting things to come!
This Friday, March 15th, I’ll be playing some blues tunes with my buddies Edgar Clark, Jr. and Daryl Dunn at Fat Matt’s Rib Shack in Atlanta. Y’all know the deal. Good music and legendary BBQ served up every night of the week. We’ll be playing from 8-10:30. Check out their website for other info and other artists playing there this month: https://fatmattsribshack.net/
And, of course, get your Jameson and Guinness ready, cuz all the green is coming out Sunday! I’ll be making my Peachtree City debut for St Paddy’s Day at The Alchemist Kitchen + Bar, playing some tunes for one of my favorite bartenders. There will be music and festivities all day, but I will be kicking off the melodies at 11:30 am. Have a couple Irish Car Bombs and sing along! Find out more about their menu here: https://www.thealchemistkitchenbar.com/

Friday, March 29 my band will be returning to the Distillery of Modern Art in Chamblee. We thoroughly enjoyed playing there last year and are very much looking forward to returning this spring. If you haven’t been to this venue before, you’re in for a treat. There is fantastic art throughout the building, including the restrooms and craft cocktails! For more info: https://distilleryofmodernart.com/

April is when that spicy New Orleans heat kicks up for the Wasted Potential Brass Band. We’ll be headed back to New Orleans, LA for the first weekend in April. Wasted is headed back to play 30/90° on Friday, April 5th. We played there last June and the party was so live we ended up shutting down Frenchmen Street! Let’s see if we can do that again, y’all. Then on Saturday, April 6th, the brass band will be making their debut at Balcony Music Club on Decatur Street. I played this spot during my fall tour last year and the vibe is all the way NOLA. Looking forward to making some new fans. I will also be playing a solo set at BMC that Sunday afternoon, 4/7. 30/90° website: https://www.3090-nola.com/ BMC Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BMCneworleans/ Wasted Potential website: http://wpbb-atl.com
I will be returning to MacCracken’s on the Marietta square for a solo set Thursday, April 11th. Music starts at 9pm. Best scotch and craft beer selection in Marietta pouring all day long, which you can investigate here: https://www.johnniemaccrackens.com/
And then, the news we’ve all been waiting for… Wasted Potential is opening for Rebirth Brass Band at Smith’s Olde Bar on Friday, April 12th. We are so excited about this event y’all. These tickets WILL sell out so make sure to get yours now! For more shows go to: https://www.sobatl.com/ For TICKETS visit: https://smithsoldebar.freshtix.com/events/rebirth-brass-band-sobatl

But that’s not all for April! 4/19 and 4/20 I will be hosting the 2nd Annual Kettle Moraine Blues Fest at the Bend Theater in West Bend, WI. After spending much of my childhood watching and rewatching sometimes working movies in this theater, I am very much looking forward to returning decades later to experience the new vibe and host a live music event here. Featuring John Primer & the Real Deal Blues, Mississippi Heat, Reverend Raven, and the Katz Sass, this is sure to be a full weekend of entertainment. These tickets are also selling fast and I know my Wisconsin folks will want to see me while I’m in town. Get tickets here: https://www.simpletix.com/e/kettle-moraine-blues-fest-tickets-156732 and go to their website for more info on the performers and other events held at The Bend: https://thebendwi.org/
The last weekend of April is the annual Inman Park Festival. As usual, Wasted Potential will be marching with our Gnomies in the Festival Parade on Saturday. Look for me hiding behind a bass drum amidst a sea of red gnome hats. Then on Sunday, my band will be performing at the Freedom Stage at 2:45. Many of the usual suspects will be there as well as a guest surprise. You do not want to miss this! In addition to live music all over the festival, there are several art vendors and plenty of places to grab a bite to eat. Check the festival website for more artists: https://festival.inmanpark.org/ and for more info regarding the parade go to this tab: https://festival.inmanpark.org/events/parade/
Coming up:
Awendaw Green (Charleston) 5/22 and hopefully more southeastern dates to be added in May
Fall tour announcements
New releases, including Mandi Strachota, Mudcat, and Wasted Potential
Make sure you follow my pages and keep checking the website for more updates!! And, as always, #SUPPORTLOCALMUSIC #SUPPORTLIVEMUSIC
Enjoy the spring and see you soon!
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