Hey everybody! It’s that time again! Just a couple shameless requests for help for my favorite causes, and then to let you know what’s going on this month…
I participated in Songs For Kids this past Friday, May 1, and what an amazing event! This Foundation is rapidly growing from an Atlanta based organization to a national one, so even if you are not here in Atlanta, look for these guys to be making their way to the children’s hospitals in your area in the near or not so distant future. They really have their stuff together and the show I participated in was very entertaining and very well organized so kudos!!! For those of y’all who missed out on the show, don’t worry, you don’t have to wait until next year to donate 😉 You can simply go to the following link:
And my second pause for the cause…
My grade school friend wrote a movie. I read the script. It’s pretty fantastic. He needs funding in order for his dream to become a reality, and if this movie does become a reality, there’s a very real chance that some of my music could end up on the soundtrack. They have come a significant way towards their goal, but could still use some help. Please click on the following link, check out the trailer, and if you are the least bit interested and have a little spare change, help us out! Every little bit helps, and you don’t get much more grass roots than your 6th grade buddy 😉
OK enough petitioning. What’s going on in May, you say?
Martini Mondays are still in effect at Ten ATL in East Atlanta. We are trying to build this thing up, kind of from scratch, so the more of y’all I can get to support this in the beginning and draw folks off the street, the more likely it is to continue. You can’t beat 2 for 1 martinis for happy hour, and let’s face it, you don’t have anything else going on Mondays and who says the weekend has to be over? Drink specials start at 5 when the doors open and music begins around 7. Ten ATL is located at 495 Flat Shoals Ave SE in Atlanta, GA 30316 (404)254-5204 or check out their website at www.facebook.com/TenATL.
Now for the best news of all! I will be making my prodigal return to Doc’s this month on Thursday nights! It will be a different atmosphere than the dance party weekends we used to have, but I promise to play a familiar song or two 😉 I have missed my Doc’s family and am looking forward to seeing you again! For those of you who haven’t been to Doc’s, you should know it’s always a party and they have pretty good pub food too! I will be there every Thursday in May from 7-10pm. Doc’s Food & Spirits is located at 2621 Cumberland Blvd in Smyrna, GA 30080 (770) 953-9354 or visit their website www.docsatlanta.com.
Next Sunday I will be returning to The Place in Marietta. While The Place has a party hard reputation on the weekends, by Sunday night we are all ready to chill and do some relaxing. With one of my favorite bartenders in Atlanta, Megs, behind the bar, you are destined to have great service and a great time. Come close out your Mother’s Day with some sweet drinks and some sweet tunes. The Place Marietta May The Place is located at 700 Sandy Plains Rd in Marietta, GA 30066 (770)427-9060. You can find them online at www.theplacebargrill.com. Music is from 7:30-11.
This month I have the pleasure of playing at two new venues for me, one of which is a new venue for everyone! I will be at 3 Dollar Westside on Friday, May 15 from 9-12 pm (so long as it doesn’t interfere with the basketball playoffs, in which case I will let you know!) This place carries with it the solid 3 Dollar reputation as well as an awesome location in the rapidly growing ‘Westside’ locale. Please come out and let 3 Dollar know we support their new location and in the meantime listen to some great tunes! 3 Dollar Westside is located at 1000 Northside Dr NW #1500 in Atlanta, GA 30318 (404)549-8362.
The following Monday, May 18, I will be at Hard Rock Cafe in downtown Atlanta. This should be fun! Known for its musical background and paraphenalia, there is always something new to notice at this established restaurant. Join me for dinner and/or happy hour. Doors open at 6, music begins at 6:30. Hard Rock Cafe is located at 215 Peachtree St NE in Atlanta, GA 30303. You can contact them at (404)688-7625 or find them online at www.hardrock.com/cafes/atlanta.
And finally, on Friday, May 22, I will be playing at Kouzina Christos in Marietta. The food is delicious! You can guess that from the moment you step in the restaurant, especially if Christos is in the building! With an open kitchen and high ceilings, this place has a great ambience as well. This place is gaining a pretty good reputation for food and music, so come on out and check it out! Kouzina Christos Poster May Kouzina Christos is located at 1453 Terrell Mill Road in Marietta, GA 30067 (770)952-1950 or follow them online at www.kouzinachristos.com. Music is from 7-10.
I have not scheduled a Brassiere Blues yet for this month, but I promise to keep you posted! In the meantime, you can check out videos and photos, stay updated, and like us on our facebook page www.facebook.com/BrassiereBlues. There have been some extremely talented women involved in these events. I look forward to continuing the networking and to meeting new ladies as well!
But the most exciting news of all is that at the end of this month I will officially begin recording my new project, Unleashed. After much searching and several recommendations, I have chosen to use the wonderful talents of my new friends Aaron and Nancy Hill at Green House Studios. I am SUPER excited about this project, and feel waiting for the right fit with studios will definitely pay off in the long run. Also look for me to be doing some writing with local up and coming R&B artist Kamal Howard. This is going to be a fun month!!!
See you soon!
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