Hey all!!! Well it sure has been an interesting year. I want to thank all of you for your support during quarantine and your participation in all of my live streams. We are still, musicians and fans, trying to figure out how to work through all of this and what it means for the future of our industry. Live gigs are few and far between, and we are all trying to find the balance between safety and proceeding with life. So now for a couple of updates…

Facebook Live was a great tool for all of us this summer. I thoroughly enjoyed spending some of my quarantine time playing songs and conversing with y’all online. Unfortunately, FB Live has become problematic and for fear of getting my official page taken down, I have had to remove all of these archived videos. Look for them to be released on a different platform soon. I will continue to do some live streams in the future, but they will likely be on either YouTube or Twitch. I will keep you updated on those as they surface, but the best place to find out about my live appearances is to follow my facebook page at www.facebook.com/mandistrachotamusic.

I want to thank all of you who came to my Pictures Release Party back in March. Man, that seems like forever ago!!! We had SO MUCH FUN, and many of you went home with new merchandise. For those of you who missed it though, you have an opportunity for redemption. The entire release party is available on YouTube, as are a couple of videos from my show at the Variety Playhouse opening for Delbert McClinton (WHOA THAT WAS AWESOME). I’m trying to increase my presence on YouTube, but I need your help. Please take the time to subscribe to my YouTube page. Like, comment on, and share these videos with your friends! As artists are struggling in this new climate with a decline in revenue and merchandise sales from live shows it is extremely important for all of us to vamp up our online presence. But we cannot do so without the help of our friends and fans. Every time you like, comment on, or share one of my videos it increases its visibility throughout the world and makes it less likely for me to have to ask you for money, which I thoroughly hate to do. View the entire Pictures Release Party Playlist here, and please peruse any other videos as well.

If you are still in need of the new CD or some delicious taco seasoning, you can of course order from the merch tab on my website. But I know you are jonesing for some live music and live interaction with live people. And boy, do I have great news for you!!! I am finally going to have my first public performance since quarantine next Friday, October 2, at Waller’s Coffee Shop in Decatur. Some of you may recognize that date because it is my BIRTHDAY!!!!! My birthday twin Chad Mason will be out of town, but I will have a couple of my Major 7 buddies with me. Anthony Mancini will be joining me on guitar and Daryl Dunn plans to sit in for a few songs on sax. We are looking forward to the opportunity to play together again, and very much looking forward to getting to see your smiling faces! Waller’s has been very careful about following safety precautions, as listed below.

Outer Space Concerts at Waller’s Coffee Shop
$20 Pre Sale Only no walk ups
Contact Free Temp Checks upon arrival
While maintaining distance from others keep your masks on while moving around. When you sit down within your germ circle feel free to take your mask off and enjoy your beverage and show. When you get up to visit our outdoor bar please put your mask back on. Together we can learn this new normal and enjoy live music once again.
The inside bathrooms will be open.
Shows will run 7pm-9pm
Full refunds for weather events as well as if at any point you feel uncomfortable with being out and around other people. We all have the right to walk away with zero consequence.
New normal is going to look different but by now I think most of us are used to wearing the mask. I believe live music is worth it. Thanks in advance! Please email with any questions or concerns! wallerscoffeeshop@gmail.com



Really hoping I will see some of you there. We have to keep live music alive and we have got to save some of these venues, especially the ones who are doing their best to do the right thing. Ticket prices may seem higher than usual, but please keep in mind that these venues are having to operate at a much smaller capacity and that many of us have not had income since March. Please also remember to purchase your tickets in advance so appropriate spacing accommodations maybe made. The arts have been hit extremely hard by this whole situation and we need everyone’s help to keep this machine oiled and running.

I hope you are all hanging in there! I know these have been strange and trying times for all of us. Keep your head up and keep on loving each other. I am currently in the works of creating a Patreon account so you can subscribe to me to receive exclusive material, and I am investigating the future of live streams. This industry is changing by the minute, so please be patient with all of us as we test these new waters. Thank you all for your continued love and support!! I could not have made it through this quarantine without you! Please continue with your support by helping me increase my online presence, enjoy the new videos, and I hope to see some of you next Friday!

I love you all unconditionally! Don’t forget to #SUPPORTLOCALMUSIC